Thursday, May 7, 2009

Rum and Coconut Water

Rum and coconut water is a tantalizing mix that sets the mood for enjoyment. It is even more enjoyable in Barbados when coconut water is mixed with Mount Gay Extra Old. This concoction is more than pleasing to the taste buds.

Rum and coconut water in tumblers with a few blocks of ice is the ideal alcoholic beverage for those who want to enjoy the party.Drinking rum and coconut water by yourself is an interesting experience that relieves you of the feeling of ennui and urges you to invite friends over to your place. Yes, the party begins.

If you are not in Barbados, any other Barbadian or Caribbean rum will suffice. The truth of the matter is that Mount Gay rum will excel in the mix, simply because of the quality. So if you live in the USA or Europe go now to the nearest liquor store and purchase a bottle or two of the world's finest tasting rum or book a flight and come to Barbados to experience the perfect rum mix and a beautiful vacation in the sun.

Try it!

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